Today I am thankful for:
1. Memories....our ability to reminisce and re-live precious times of the past. Like this one of my son, now 27 years old, when he was only 11 months old. Look at that smile! God used that joyful smile and disposition to bring me through the darkest time of my life...his daddy had died only 2 months earlier. What a gift this little boy was..........and still is.
2. My little boy's little boy.....Riley is absolutely wonderful....so much like his father when he was a baby...the same charming personality and disarming smile. How good God is to allow us to experience a bit of the joy of creation...can you imagine His joy when Adam was created? And then Eve? And then Cain and Abel? And then...and then... Here is a shot of that bundle of joy and Terry in January:
3. My truly wonderful daughter-in-love (no, that's not a typo). For years I prayed that when my son married, that God would give me a daughter....He answered my prayers so magnificently. Windy is as beautiful inside as she is on the outside...and a terrific, godly wife and mother. She loves Eddie and Riley and makes a good, loving home for them. Thank you Lord! Windy and Riley ready for church on Sunday morning:
4. The raise my husband received on Friday. Jehovah Jireh, my Provider, His grace is sufficient for me...My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory; He will give His angels charge over thee...Jehovah Jireh careth for me. Who remembers that dear old chorus? We humbly thank and praise Him.
5. The days of sunshine we enjoyed last week! Oh how sweet the air and green grass and clear skies are after so many rainy days.....
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